Short Professional Curriculum Vitae

I currently work at Just Eat Takeaway in London as Principal Software Engineer / Technical iOS Lead where, since the beginning of 2015, I have been focusing on the consumer iOS apps. I've built from scratch and led new iOS teams (up to 10 iOS engineers). I've established teams and development processes. I've worked across teams and on different projects, from company rebrand, to the complete redesign and revamp of the entire app architecture to enable product and tech unification. The most remarkable work I've led is the complete modularization of the iOS product to enable globalization in all the markets legacy Just Eat operates.
Previously at Beamly, Badoo, EF Education First in London focusing on designing apps for education and at H-umus in Italy (Venice) focusing on developing iPad apps for famous fashion brands. I held iOS courses at Digital Accademia.
I got my Master Degree in Computer Science at the University of Padua (Italy) with full marks (110/110).
You can check my résumé on LinkedIn, my open source projects on GitHub and this blog to have an idea about my works, backgrounds and skills. If you’d like to read my full professional curriculum vitae in PDF, feel free to get in touch.
Musical Curriculum Vitae
Alert: I quit world of music in 2010 and I'm no more available for live or recording sessions.
I just keep this section and the following links as archive/memories:

Born in 1985 in Pordenone (Italy), Alberto had his first introduction to music at the age of eight with the piano. When he was 14 he started playing bass and guitar with some local rock bands, as well as picking up the double bass. He studied with important teachers like Mauro Zavagno, Roberto Pascucci and Alex Stornello at the Lizard Academy in Florence and Padua. He took part in important clinics with the greatest bass players like Stu Hamm, Billy Sheehan, Alain Caron, and Faso. In 2003 Alberto wrote a book “Il Volo del Calabrone ed altri classici per basso” (The Flight of the bumble-bee and others classical transcription for el. bass). In 2005 Alberto composed a personal demo, “Genre?!? What Genre?,” encompasing different kinds of music. In the same year he met Marco Anzovino, a great Italian song-writer, with whom he started collaborating with. He had a great experience playing in Marco Anzovino‘s second album “Canzoni Ad Occhi Chiusi.” In 2007/’08 he held bass class as teacher at G. Verdi school in Fontanafredda (PN). In 2007 he met Matt Cafissi, acclaimed by critics as “the new melodic Italian genius,” and had the honor to play in his second album “All The Little Things.” At the end of 2007 he joined the Centrica line-up releasing their first acclaimed album with Musea Records. In April 2009 he joined the famous Italian north-east Absolute5 cover band, performing with them over 80 concerts per year. In 2010 took part of Marco Anzovino & Gianpiero Perone (Colorado Café, Italia1)’s “Rideremo tra 20 anni” show.
Alberto uses the following stuff:
- MusicMan StingRay5
- Yamaha TRB 6PII Ovangkol
- Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Bass
- Fender American Standard Jazz Bass
- Fender Precision Bass Fretless /w Di Marzio Model P J
- Epiphone Les Paul Custom Flame Top
- Marco Anzovino’s Takamine EF341
- ErnieBall Hybrid Slinky strings
Studio & Live
- Gallien Krueger 400-RB III
- Gallien Krueger 200W speaker
- DBX 160A rack compressor
- Korg DTR2000 rack tuner
- Digitech JamMan loop station
- Volume pedal Bespeco
- MOTU Ultralite Mk3
- JTS UHF US-901D Receiver
- JTS UHF PT-950Bmi Transmitter
- Sennheiser Ear Monitor EW 300 IEM G2
- iMac and MacBook Pro
- iPhone 4 and iPad
- Logic Express 8 software
- Speakers Behringer Truth B2031A